Farm to School Fundraiser

The FARM TO SCHOOL FUNDRAISER is back! A flyer was sent home this week with students.

Get your veggies for Thanksgiving and give 50% back to the school! Ask your neighbours, family members, and friends. If you don't need veggies, you can still participate in the fundraiser by choosing the online option to donate a bundle to a family in need. 

- Order now through midnight on Sept 26

-2 different veggie bundles to choose from ($15/$25)

-Pick Up Time: Friday, Oct 6 from 2 - 4pm at the front of the school. If this time does not work for you and you still would like to order, please arrange with another family you know to pick up for you, or reach out to the School Council at to make alternate arrangements.


1. Go to and select "BUY A BUNDLE"

2. Add your products to your cart

3. Click on “ Continue to check out” when you are ready to pay

4. Select province and Silver Springs Elementary (AB)

5. Enter in your child’s first and last name

6. Enter billing and payment information and click on “REVIEW ORDER”

7. Review your summary and “PLACE ORDER"

Thank you for your support!


Farm to School Pickup


School Learning Conferences