Healthy Hunger - Order Soon!
The Silver Springs School Council has set up this years Healthy Hunger Fun Lunches!
The first Lunch is Little Caesars on Wednesday September 20. This year we are expanding the Fun Lunch program to include regular Fun Snack days. The first Snack Day will be Cobs Bread on September 27. These events are an important fundraiser for our school, so whether you participate in one or a few please be assured that the money raised goes towards our school population.
Any child who is at the school over the lunch period is able to participate. Kindergarten students will be able to participate in the snack days. When possible, gluten free or vegetarian options are available. Please note that the cutoff order date for each lunch is 5 business days prior, unpaid orders will not be processed! That means the turn around time for this first Fun Lunch is very tight and cut-off for orders is Wednesday, September 13!
For help registering or ordering lunches, please head to the FAQ page ( on the Healthy Hunger site or contact them directly at 1-800-818-6260
We need volunteers to help on the Fun Lunch days! Please sign up here: