Dance Residency Sharing Assembly | Dec 16
Three Left Feet Dance Residency: This is a week-long residency sponsored by our generous Silver Springs School Council. In celebration of the work students will be doing, we would like to invite parents to our sharing assembly on Friday, December 16, 2022 from 11:30 –12:30. Three Left Feet Dance company stresses the “process'' rather than the “product”. The end-of-project celebration is exactly that, a celebration and open-house for our community instead of an actual performance. We hope you enjoy how much our students have accomplished. Together we can create an exciting experience. Please be prepared to sit on the gym floor with our students, as we will not be able to set up enough seating for the entire audience. In keeping with the giving season and helping those in need, we are asking that guests bring along a donation to the Calgary Food Bank.